CANP Channel Islands Chapter May 2016 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: May 10, 2016

Location: Canary Hotel in Santa Barbara, CA

Members Present



Ginny Thomas (absent)

Program Director

Grace Hernandez (absent)


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong


Kristi King


Constance Thayer


Barbara Lee


Robin Barnes


Suzanne Lingl


Valerie Mena


Sarah McIndoe


Sharon Willis


Tish King


Sara Thurman


Lindsay Loft


Suzette Chafey


Myra Howard



Chapter Meeting started at 19:16

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 20:59


  1.  Meeting called to order at 19:16 by Charlotte Moore
  2. Charlotte provided SB323 packets for members to sign that will be mailed out to representatives urging them to support SB323. Letters will be mailed to all 3 assembly members and 2 Senators, at both district and capitol offices.
  3. 19:25 Educational program regarding Hepatitis C was provided.
  4. CANP chapter meeting resumed at 20:39.
  5. Charlotte resumed chapter meeting with discussion of upcoming Lobby Day. Encouraged continued support of SB323, which will be out of committee on July 1.
  6. House of Delegates: Myra Howard, Ginny Thomas, and Charlotte Moore are representing the chapter.
  7. Voting now open for executive board elections.
  8. We will be accepting applications for the CANP Channel Islands Chapter Advancement Award. Encouraged all students to apply.
  9. Teresa provided current membership numbers. Currently our chapter numbers are down to 90 members. We have 268 expired members, encouraged current members to reach out to NPs that they know and encourage them to join.
  10. Teresa also participated in a community outreach at Pacifica High School.
  11. We are looking for more community outreach and networking ideas. Encouraged members to notify board of any ideas they may come across.
  12. Myra Howard spoke regarding SB323. She has spoken with Hannah Beth Jackson and she does not feel we have her support. Encouraged members that when addressing our legislative representatives, we must speak up and know the facts to make a good impression of our profession.
  13. Encouraged members to continue to utilize social media to contract our representatives.
  14.  The chapter was a sponsor of the local NAMI walk in Ventura on April 30.
  15. We also have an upcoming opportunity for 10 free CEUs, that will be open to every active chapter member. More information to come.
  16. Tentative schedule for upcoming meetings provided:
    1. June: TBD
    2. July: No general chapter meeting but possible Mental Health Training opportunity which would be 2 consecutive Saturdays for CEUs
    3. August: No general chapter meeting
    4. September: TBD
    5. October: No general chapter meeting
    6. November: TBD, celebration of NP week.

i.If chapter members have any ideas on how they would like to celebrate this year, please notify executive board.

  1. December: No general chapter meeting
  1. Meeting adjourned at 20:59