Get Set to Celebrate

Online NP Week Toolkit Contains an Evolving List of Ways to Help Mark the Occasion

It’s a time to celebrate achievements among colleagues.  It’s a time to raise awareness of the contributions of the profession.  And it’s coming next month.

National Nurse Practitioner Week takes place November 11-17, and CANP has developed materials and suggestions to help NPs throughout California mark the occasion.

Once again this year, the centerpiece of NP Week plans is the Blue Ribbon Campaign, which encourages NPs to wear blue ribbons throughout the week to call attention to advance practices nurses and the role they play in delivering quality health care.  Inspired by similar efforts conducted by individual chapters in the past, the campaign proved wildly popular in 2011 and is being reprised for 2012.

With the blue ribbon serving as the ice-breaker, CANP’s online NP Week Toolkit includes a host of other resources for promoting NP awareness.  These include:

  • A “What is an NP?” fact sheet
  • An “About Us” fact sheet telling the story of CANP
  • A collection of suggested activities for raising NP awareness and celebrating among peers

CANP will continue to develop other additions the NP Week Toolkit right up to the week itself.  Check back for new tools and new ideas to commemorate National NP Week.