Contributions to CANP PAC Key to Successful Legislative Advocacy Efforts
Election Day is looming next month – a fact that only amplifies the importance of the California Association for Nurse Practitioners Political Action Committee (CANP PAC)
CANP PAC is a bipartisan effort dedicated to supporting state legislative candidates. Members have consistently stated that legislative advocacy on behalf of nurse practitioners is the single most highly-valued benefit of supporting CANP. A cornerstone of those advocacy efforts is the CANP PAC. Supporting the political campaigns of legislative candidates who understand the issues affecting California's NP practice is key to CANP’s ability to strengthen its political relationships.
You can engage in the political process - and make a difference - by contributing to the committee. A well-funded PAC helps us show strength in numbers and a commitment to engage in the political process. Build on the efforts of your fellow nurse practitioners today by supporting the CANP PAC. Together, we can speak louder as the one unified voice for all California’s nurse practitioners. Now it’s time for you to take action and get involved!