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Members Bolster Advocacy Efforts on Behalf of Senate Bill 1524

Senate Bill 1524, one of the cornerstones of CANP’s 2012 legislative advocacy efforts, is now one step away from becoming law and removing the six-month delay for nurse practitioners to receive authorization to provide medication to their patients.

The measure, authored by Senator Ed Hernandez (D-Los Angeles), passed both houses of the legislature by overwhelming margins during the closing days of the 2012 State Legislative Session. It now awaits action by Gov. Jerry Brown, who has until midnight on September 30 to either sign or veto the bill. If signed by the governor, the new law would take effect January 1, 2013.

Current law requires that NPs have six months of supervised experience before they are able to furnish medications to their patients. This antiquated requirement has become a barrier preventing access to care, as it delays NPs from entry into California’s health care workforce. Additionally, since it also applies to out-of-state NPs moving to California – no matter how long they’ve been in practice – this requirement has made it difficult for experienced NPs to come into California and begin working.

CANP members have been instrumental in moving the bill through the legislative process. Nearly 200 members participated in an online advocacy campaign urging members of the Assembly and Senate to vote for the measure.  The bill subsequently passed the Assembly 71-5, and cleared the Senate by a 36-0 vote.  A followup campaign has been launched to urge the governor to sign the bill. To date, nearly 350 members have participated in the campaign by sending the governor a message encouraging his support.

These efforts support CANP’s core mission to help thousands of nurse practitioners speak as one, providing a collective voice in the State Capitol. As the only association in California solely dedicated to protecting NPs’ practice, CANP champions legislative action that expands the development and continuance of the role of the nurse practitioner.

Keep an eye on our Legislative Blog and CANP's Facebook page for updates as soon as the governor takes action.