Mission, Values & Strategic Pillars

Guiding Principles

The Mission Statement, Core Values and Strategic Pillars provide a framework for CANP's success. They were created by the Board of Directors and CANP staff during planning sessions held throughout 2023 as part of the development of the Association's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

Mission Statement

CANP is the unifying voice and networking forum for nurse practitioners, providing expert guidance and advancing the nurse practitioner profession statewide. We are committed to:

  • Supporting nurse practitioners.
  • Promoting health within diverse communities.
  • Meeting the needs of patients.
  • Increasing access to high-quality care for everyone.

Core Values

Integrity: We are committed to honesty and transparency in everything we do.

Compassion: We act with kindness and consideration toward others.

Respect: We value individuals' experiences and perspectives.

Accountability: We demonstrate our ethics through our actions.

Collaboration: We embrace collaboration and encourage communication and feedback.

Inclusivity: We promote and support diversity, equity, and inclusion in all we do.

Innovation: We act with intention while encouraging creativity and new ideas through visionary leadership.

Strategic Pillars

Membership engagement and growth.

Professional development and advancement.

Proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy.

Effective governance.

Financial growth and sustainability.

Health Justice Purpose Statement

CANP commits to align with anti-racism and social justice tenets in support of nurse practitioners as they bridge the gaps in health care and meet the needs of their patients. We pledge to look closely at our organization on every level to address the problems of systemic and individual racism. We recognize the adverse health effects of racism and social inequities. We are willing as individuals and as an association to acknowledge our implicit biases and to make changes to remedy racism and social injustice. Collectively and individually, we advocate for equitable, inclusive and compassionate health care for all people.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

CANP is strongly committed to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within our Association. These principles are vital for ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our members and for serving as a guide for our personal and collective behavior.

  • We believe that diversity is critical to maintaining excellence in all of our endeavors.
  • We seek to foster open-mindedness, understanding, compassion and inclusiveness among individuals and groups.
  • We are committed to ensuring freedom of expression and dialogue, in a respectful and civil manner, on the spectrum of views held by our varied and diverse membership.
  • We value differences as well as commonalities and promote respect in personal interactions.
  • We affirm our responsibility for creating and fostering a respectful, cooperative, equitable and civil environment within which our diverse members can engage and interact with one another.
  • We strive to build a community of learning and fairness marked by mutual respect.
  • We do not tolerate acts of discrimination, harassment, profiling, or other conduct causing harm to individuals on the basis of expression of race, color, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religious beliefs, political preference, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, citizenship, or national origin, among other personal characteristics. Such conduct violates our principles and may result in imposition of sanctions according to our policies.
  • We are committed to regularly assessing how well we are doing as an Association and as members in upholding these principles through forums, surveys, confidential feedback, and other means – and communicating our findings to our members.