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Featured Practice Question
I wanted to know if nurse practitioner license and furnishing renewal is every 1 1/2 years, every 2 years or every 5 years. My FNP license and furnishing were issued in April of 2018. I received an alert to renew both because they will expire in October of 2019, which would be a year and half from the issuance date. I have already paid for the renewal but was just wondering if it's actually time to renew both or is this an error?
Renewal certificates for your NP certificate are due at the same time as your RN license renewal fee, this is why the renewal date seems early. For your RN license, per the BRN website about renewals, your first California RN license is issued for two birthdays, not two years, and will expire the last day of the month following your birth date. From that date on, it will expire every two years, if renewed timely. Once a California license number is issued, it will always remain the same number whether active, inactive or delinquent. If the license lapses and is later renewed, the same license number and renewal cycle will apply.
NP certificate renewal fees are due at the same time as your RN license renewal fee. Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse (PMH) certificates are automatically renewed in conjunction with the RN license; no additional fee or continuing education is required.
Featured Legal Question
Does CANP have a template for a collaborative NP/MD agreement? I am interested in pursuing a part time practice on my own with a collaborative agreement established. What is a good resource to obtain information regarding MD compensation?
You can probably find some templates online, but be very careful as they are pretty generic. There is no resource that I know off for physician compensation. From my experience, $500 is the least, the average is $1000, and it can go upwards from that. The BRN does not approve of solo practices so you will need to form a nursing or medical corporation. The contract with the physician has to be corporation-to-corporation. You cannot hire a physician as an individual.
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