Expanding Influence

Endorsements Illustrate CANP’s Growing Reputation as a Leader in Health Care Policy

CANP’s announcement on May 24 that is has endorsed Gavin Newsom for Governor marked the culmination of a process designed to enhance the organization’s growing reputation as an influential voice in the field of health care policy – and which already appears to be accomplishing that goal.

The endorsement represents a new policy adopted by CANP regarding the endorsement of candidates for elected statewide and/or legislative offices. The policy – a non-partisan approach that places no weight on political party affiliations – outlines a process including candidate questionnaires and interviews in order to assess a candidate’s alignment with CANP’s commitment to expanding access to health care and advancing the profession of nurse practitioners.

Questionnaires were provided to the six leading candidates for Governor: Democrats Newsom, Antonio Villaraigosa, John Chiang and Delaine Eastin, and Republicans Travis Allen and John Cox. Based on responses to the questionnaires, interviews with CANP’s Endorsement Review Committee were conducted. The interviews then led to the decision to endorse Newsom.

“Newsom recognizes California needs to do more to address its provider shortage by, among other policies, establishing new pathways for nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their education and training,” said CANP President Theresa Ullrich in a statement announcing the endorsement.

Barely two months since the adoption of the endorsement policy, CANP is already receiving interest from candidates in other races. “CANP isn’t committed to making an endorsement in every race on the ballot,” said Ullrich, “but the fact that we have additional candidates seeking our endorsement speaks to how much our support is coveted by those pursuing elected office.”

Last year, the board announced its endorsement of Sen. Ed Hernandez in the race for Lieutenant Governor. That announcement marked the first time in its history CANP has endorsed a candidate for statewide office.

That decision was announced 11 months before the adoption of the formal endorsement policy, but was itself something of a formality, given Hernandez’s long-standing support of CANP and his extensive record of championing the nurse practitioner profession.

For more information on Gavin Newsom, please visit gavinnewsom.com. For more information on Ed Hernandez, please visit edhernandez4ca.com.