November 7 2022 Board Meeting

CANP Fresno Chapter

Tuesday, November 7, 2022

630 pm – 830 pm

Olive Garden Restaurant

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Kathleen Rindahl. Attendance is recorded below and all were present unless indicated differently.

Karen Paolinelli President Present

Lynn Patty Vice President Present

Diana Garnica Secretary Absent

Adela Yniguez-Ayala Immediate Past President Present

Siew Lin Wong Treasurer Absent

Kathleen Rindahl Legislative Rep Present

Cyndi Guerra Public Relations Present

2. Review of Minutes

Adela moved that the minutes be approved as written. Lynn Patty seconded the minutes be approved. The minutes were approved as posted on CANP website.

4. NP Week November 13-19

Discussion on how as a chapter we will celebrate. Kathleen will be purchasing donuts and take them to students at Fresno State and Fresno Pacific NP programs as well as doing education regarding our chapter and the importance of joining. All board member were given information by Cyndi on the CANP tools for NP week to use at their places of employment.

5. CANP chapter leadership requirements reviewed

-PAC grow funds

-Advocacy by engaging with local elected officials

-Membership in good standing by all leaders

-Records need to be kept and on a quarterly basis reported to CANP with board meeting minutes and chapter financial statements uploaded to the document section of chapter page.

-File own tax returns and other legal filings as required by law.

-Post on the CANP website a copy of its annual return within 60 days of filing.

-Attend chapter bi-monthly chapter leadership calls.

-Attend lobby day, House of Delegates and leadership training-one member

-Disseminate information to members on meetings, activities or events.

-Quarterly reports on operations costs and activities.

-Designate a website administrator to ensure timely chapter website updates

-One member attends annual leadership training

-Promote and grow CANP membership

-Outreach to suspended and expired members

-Dinner meetings

-Outreach community activities promoting CANP brand

-Annually conduct presentation on CANP at NP schools using the CANP stent power point

-Delegate a person to represent advocacy

-Grassroots advocacy activities locally

-Participate on the legislative calls

-Invite local officials to Chapter meetings to educate

-Conduct fundraising efforts

-Chapters quarterly newsletters

6. Membership Drive

We discussed how to drive membership in our chapter. We are at a low number of members compared to how many NPs in our area. Only currently at 135. Talked about focus on getting to the students. Also for all of our leaders to be more involved in recruitment of members.

7. CANP bylaws and Fresno Chapter bylaws

Reviewed the CANP bylaws and current board members at our meeting no one could locate our current bylaws. More work to locate of work on recreating a new set. More to come on this.

8. Elections discussion

Discussed the need to have elections and try to recruit more leaders. Need to work on getting our bylaws in order and job descriptions for the leaders. Need to get our chapter in order so we our compliant with all state requirements. It was decided to wait for January 2023 to hold elections. Meanwhile we will work on the bylaws and job description as well as getting financial documents uploaded on the state website.

9. Resignation of Treasurer

Siew Lin Wong has given to board her request to resign as the treasurer. Ms. Wong has done a fantastic job over the years to help our local chapter. Her great work is appreciated. Kathleen Rindahl has agreed to immediately take over the treasurer duties with the help of Karen Paolinelli until elections in January. Both will work with Siew Lin on the transition and work on getting the bank account names changed. This was a motion that was made by Cyndi and second by Lynn Patty. All were in favor and motion carried.

10. Advocacy

Discussed briefly AB890 and need to grow PAC funds.

11. Dinner meeting

Lynn Patty discussed upcoming dinner meeting in December.

Next board meeting will be held via teams meeting on December 5 at 630.


8:30 pm motion by Cyndi and second by Lynn.