CANP Channel Islands Chapter September 2015 Meeting Minuteses

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: September 17, 2015

Location: The Manhattan in Camarillo, CA

Members Present



Vicky Diaz

Vice President

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong

President Elect

Ginny Thomas


Carlie Corse


Carol Fok


Dana Chavolla



Chapter Meeting started at 19:01

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 19:15


  1. Vicky called the meeting to order at 19:01.
  2. Vicky introduced the new Channel Islands Chapter President, Ginny Thomas. She will officially assume this position on October 1, 2015.
  3. The CANP Leadership meeting will be taking place in October and Ginny Thomas and Grace Hernandez will represent our chapter.
  4. Grace is working on planning a NP celebration for NP week in November. This is a good opportunity to focus on educating people in our community regarding the NP role.
  5. SB 323 has become a 2-year bill, and will begin rotation through legislation again in January 2016.
  6. Teresa Hong provided an update on our current chapter membership. We now have 107 active members. We are really trying to reach out to NP students that are living in our area to join. Students are even allowed to participate in CANP conference calls, which could be beneficial to their coursework.
  7. Vicky asked members to please notify chapter of any volunteer work or awards they might receive, as we would like to celebrate each other as well as possibly post to our social media outlets to allow the community to see what NPs do for the community.
  8. Vicky also encouraged members to volunteer to help at future events if they are interested.
  9. Charlotte assumed the floor to discuss recent changes in our chapter budget. The executive board voted to add 2 budgets lines to current budget.
    1. A budget line was added to establish a Channel Islands NP scholarship fund. We are still working on verbiage and application process but hope to be able to offer this in the near future.
    2. The second line that was added will allow our chapter to donate to PAC Committee which helps pay for our state lobbyist in Sacramento.
  10. Charlotte has sent out an email to all active members encouraging support for SB323 and to contact our local representatives to encourage their support.
    1. Our area has 3 assembly members and 2 senators, it is very important for us to reach out to them via mail/email/twitter/etc.
  11. Also, there are 3 other bills that CANP is supporting that are on their way to Jerry Brown to be signed.
  12. We recently had success with AB636: Pulse form was passed and will be effective 1/1/2016.
  13. Vicky introduced Rachel Wagoner, our guest speaker here to discuss abnormal uterine bleeding treatment options.
  14. Meeting adjourned at 19:15.