CANP Channel Islands Chapter March 2016 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: March 3, 2016

Location: Moqueca in Oxnard, CA

Members Present



Ginny Thomas

President Elect/Program Director

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore (absent)

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore (absent)

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong


Patricia Wade


Katherine Anderson


Carlie Corse


Nancy Warner


Suzanne Lingl


Valerie Mena



Chapter Meeting started at 18:56

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 19:02


  1.  Meeting called to order at 18:56 by Ginny Thomas
  2. CANP membership number currently at 3,258.
  3. We are now accepting nominations for chapter Board of Director positions. The positioners open are President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. There are also board elected positions of Membership representative, programs representative, and legislative representative.  Elections will take place in April.
  4. Upcoming educational conference: not too late to register, but prices did go up on March 1, 2016.
  5. Members can check the CANP website for recent budget/financial reports.
  6. Charlotte will be sending out a newsletter as well.
  7. All our legislative representatives have been reached out to on social media and Thank you letters have also been sent out.
  8. Keep CANP membership active and encourage other NPs to do the same.
  9. The chapter is donating a basket for raffle at the CANP educational conference. The theme chosen was “Gym.” The chapter has purchased a membership to LA fitness. We are accepting donations of any items that may go within the theme of the basket.
  10. If you are attending the educational conference, please let Ginny or Charlotte know as they are wishing to host a small get together one evening.
  11. Meeting adjourned at 19:02
  12. Educational program was presented regarding Osteoporosis management and use of Prolia.