CANP Channel Islands Chapter June 2015 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: June 18, 2015

Location: Moqueca Restaurant in Oxnard, CA

Members Present



Vicky Diaz

Vice President

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong


Aristotle Tuano


Robin Covey (no CANP record)


Kristi King


Carlie Corse, NP student


Dana Chavolla


Lisa Spink


Jennifer Simonds


Nadine Smith


Patricia King


Chapter Meeting started at 19:00

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 19:06


  1. Vicky started meeting by discussing recent Lobby Day experience. This was attended by executive board members: Vicky Diaz, Grace Hernandez, and Charlotte Moore. Emphasized continued support of SB323 and importance of emailing/contacting our local representatives. We have reached out to Das Williams and he is supportive of this bill.
  2. We will be having a nurse practitioner networking meeting on July 24, 2015 in Santa Barbara, everyone is invited to attend.
  3. Meeting adjourned at 19:06