CANP Channel Islands Chapter January 2016 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2016

Location: Café Fiore in Ventura, CA

Members Present



Ginny Thomas

President Elect/Program Director

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong (absent)


Carol Folk


Beth Meyer-Frank


Suzanne Lingl


Kathy Goodman


Suzette Chafey


Susan Renteria


Robin Barnet


Melissa MacNeill


Valerie Mene


Katherine Anderson


Kristen Flack



Chapter Meeting started at 18:13

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 18:24


  1. Meeting called to order at 18:13.
  2. Ginny started meeting by passing along a Thank you from CANP on a successful 2015.
  3. Reminder that nominations for CANP positions are open. If interested go to CANP website and follow links to fill out required forms. The positions include President-Elect, Finance, Corporate Affairs (Secretary) and Membership Chair.
  4. Upcoming educational conference: when registering, please check the box to “volunteer” – they are looking for moderators during the sessions.
  5. The next BRN board meeting is February 11, 2016 at the Doubletree in Sacramento. They are asking for NP attendance.
  6. Nominations for NP awards are due by February 8, 2016.
  7. Our chapter will be donating a basket for the upcoming educational conference in March. We would like to have chapter involvement in picking a theme for the basket. Any suggestions on themes or donations to basket are appreciated.
  8. If you will be attending the educational conference, please let the board know as Charlotte and Ginny will be attending and would like to host a small get together.
  9. We will be aligning ourselves with CANP and will be having officer elections in April or May. We will be sending out more information as it gets closer to time.
  10.  Meeting adjourned at 18:24.
  11. Educational program provided by Medtronics, with Dr. Gupta, pain management specialist speaking.