CANP Channel Islands Chapter August 2015 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: August 20, 2015

Location: The Cave restaurant in Ventura, CA

Members Present



Vicky Diaz

Vice President

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong


Nancy Warner


Beth Meyer-Frank


Kristi King


Lorraine Prichard


Dana Chavolla


Susan Renteria


Colette Frena


Sue Manseau


Ginny Thomas


Katherine Anderson


Therese Meyer



Chapter Meeting started at 19:01

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 19:08


  1. Vicky started the meeting by discussing SB323. This bill has become a 2 year bill, and there is still hope to get this bill passed on next round. It is very important to reach out to our local representatives as most do not adequately understand the NP role. 
  2. Assembly Bill 637 recently was signed into legislation allowing NPs to sign DNR forms.
  3. There will be a CANP leadership summit in October. This will be attended by 2 executive board members.
  4. Charlotte has crafted a chapter newsletter to keep every updated on the activities that have been going on with our chapter. This newsletter is available on our chapter CANP website.
  5. Also, encouraged members to follow chapter on Facebook and Twitter as we have been posting events and pictures of the chapter’s events on these social media outlets.
  6. Vicky introduced representative from Harvoni who is here to provide informative presentation on Hepatitis C treatment.
  7. Meeting adjourned at 19:08