CANP Channel Islands Chapter April 2015 Meeting Minutes

CANP Channel Islands Chapter Meeting Minutes: April 22, 2015

Location: 71 Palm Restaurant in Ventura, CA

Members Present



Vicky Diaz

Vice President

Grace Hernandez


Michele Nicole Bean


Charlotte Moore (absent)

Legislator Advocacy

Charlotte Moore (absent)

Membership Chair

Teresa Hong


Nancy Warner


Lauren Evans


Katherine Anderson


Kristi King


Mary Evans


Myra Howard


Valerie Mena



Chapter Meeting started at 18:57

Chapter Meeting adjourned at 19:16


  1. Vicky started meeting with introduction of the Executive Board of our chapter.
  2. Vicky, Charlotte, and Grace will be attending House of Delegates and Lobby Day this year on May 18th.
  3. Charlotte has organized a Legislative Chat at Santa Barbara Polo Club on May 3rd. Our special guest will be Das Williams.
  4. Our chapter is looking at ways to fundraise, in order to provide a scholarship for a student in the future.
  5. Teresa invited chapter members to a Bariatric Symposium at Ventura Bariatrics on May 20th at 18:00. CEU’s will be granted for attendance. Please RSVP to Gladys Rodriguez.
  6. There will be a Walk From Obesity 5K at Kimball Park on June 13th. We would like to have several CANP members there to represent and support this cause.
  7. Encouraged our members to like the Channel Islands Facebook page. We will be utilizing social media to promote membership and member involvement. We will be posting pictures from our events to this site.
  8. We will also be utilizing our CANP chapter website by posting meeting minutes and upcoming program information.
  9. Next CANP meeting will be in Santa Barbara at the Wine Cask on May 28th.
  10. Terry announced a job posting: Anacapa Surgical has a temporary NP position working with Dr. Starr.
  11. Currently, our chapter has 95 members, this is up from October when we were in the 70s. We need to increase member involvement in the chapter.
  12. Myra Howard took the floor to discuss the Senate Bill 323. Reports that Hannah Beth Jackson voted against full practice last year, however, this year she voted for the bill. We would like to send her a thank you card from our chapter for her support for full practice authority for nurse practitioners.
  13. Encourage members to contract Congress representatives to support this bill.
  14. Discussed reaching out to members in Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo area.
  15. Grace is working on setting up a mixer in Santa Barbara possibly in June.
  16. Meeting adjourned @ 19:16