SB 1524 Highlights a Year of Significant Legislative Developments in Health Care
The 2011-2012 legislative session is now behind us, with a number of significant health care bills being passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Brown. For nurse practitioners, there was perhaps no more significant development than the passage and signing of Senate Bill 1524, one of the cornerstones of CANP’s 2012 legislative efforts.
SB 1524, by Senator Ed Hernandez, repeals the requirement that NPs have six months of physician supervised experience before they are authorized to furnish medications, post-licensure. CANP heard from its members that this antiquated requirement has become a barrier to employment for newly licensed NPs and others who are moving into California from other states where such a requirement doesn’t exist.
With the help of CANP members who participated in online advocacy campaigns, SB 1524 passed both houses of the legislature by overwhelming margins, and was signed into law by Governor Brown on September 29. The change in law will go into effect on January 1, 2013. CANP will work with the staff at the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) to ensure that implementation goes as smoothly as possible.
Throughout the session much attention has been focused on how California can be ready to implement the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as federal health care reform, in 2014. California is already way ahead of other states as our California Health Benefit Exchange Board was established through legislation enacted in 2010. The board is the governing body of the California Health Benefit Exchange that makes qualified health plans available to qualified individuals and employers under the federal Patient and Protection Affordable Care Act. The federal act requires each state to establish such an exchange -- California was the first state in the nation to establish it’s exchange.
The board enters into contracts with health plans seeking to participate; determines eligibility for enrollment in the exchange; and establishes quality incentives for health plans that encourage the use of cost-effective and high quality delivery systems. The board is also authorized to apply for federal planning and establishment grants for establishment of the exchange. In order for the newly insured to be able to access health insurance when they become eligible in 2014, there is much work for the exchange to do in advance, to set up eligibility and enrollment options and to contract with health plans.
Most significant of the bills enacted during this session are SB 951, by Senator Ed Hernandez, and AB 1453, by Assemblymember Bill Monning. These two bills establish the essential health benefits that must be included in every health plan offered through the exchange. Plans will be able to offer benefit packages beyond what’s included, but cannot offer less benefits. These will determine the “benchmark”.
Legislative activity on ACA implementation will continue next year. As evidence of the high priority that is being placed on this effort, Governor Brown has announced his intention to convene a “special session” to focus on ACA implementation. This will enable legislators to expedite legislation that furthers California’s implementation efforts, allowing legislative deadlines and processes to be waived so that legislation can be passed more quickly than in the regular session. CANP will be monitoring all of this legislative activity for its impact on nurse practitioners.
Next up is the November election. In addition to the many ballot measures that voters will consider, this election will bring a huge turnover in the legislature. Due to term limits, more than 40 brand new legislators will take office in 2013. We have our work cut out for us when it comes to educating these new members about nurse practitioner practice and our organization. Stay tuned for more from CANP on how you can become more politically active within your local chapter to help strengthen the voice of NPs at California’s Capitol.