Mapping Out the Future

Chapter Leaders to Convene for Critical Phase in Strategic Plan Development

It’s been a year of significant growth for the California Association for Nurse Practitioners, not only in terms of membership numbers, but also in CANP’s capacity to further its mission to support and expand the role of nurse practitioners in the rapidly-changing health care environment.

Critical to that continued growth is the development of a formal Strategic Plan for the Association.  Many months in the making – and nearing completion – the project represents an evolutionary step in the Association’s work to reflect the collective vision of its members from a statewide perspective.  On January 12, leaders from each of CANP’s 24 active chapters will convene in Sacramento to help structure some of its key components.

The plan has taken shape over the past seven months through the course of several day-long meetings involving both the current and previous Board of Directors, CANP staff and a team of facilitators that have guided the process.  Confidential interviews with CANP members from throughout the state further influenced the project, which has resulted in the identification of five Strategic Goals:

  • Increase the value and awareness of CANP to grow membership
  • Develop an effective, fully integrated, synchronized statewide governance system
  • Communicate and reinforce the value and role of NPs while positioning CANP as the most credible organization acting on behalf of NPs
  • Advocate for NPs on policy, practice and professional development, build grassroots advocacy at the chapter level and grow the Political Action Committee (PAC) fund
  • Develop and promote professional development opportunities to build influential and competent NP leaders and strengthen the NP role

“The excellent feedback we got from the interviews served as the foundation for the meetings that followed,” said CANP President Beth Haney.  “We heard our members, and we used that feedback to outline ways for CANP to strengthen its governance and leadership.”

The second of the five goals provides the impetus for the January 12 meeting.  “We’ll be focused on what the board, chapters and staff can do together in creating a stronger governance structure leading to success in all areas,” said Haney.  “We’re excited about focusing on continual improvement of the Association and working within a unified structure to increase our leadership capabilities, members’ interests and CANP’s brand.”

The day’s agenda will also include a visit from Senator Ed Hernandez, a licensed optometrist, Chair of the Senate Health Committee, and author of Senate Bill 1524, which removes the antiquated requirement that NPs have six months of physician-supervised furnishing experience prior to receiving a furnishing number from the Board of Registered Nursing.  Hernandez is expected to talk not only about his recently-announced plan for legislation to expand the capacity of nurse practitioners in the wake of ever-growing demand for health care providers, but also his own experiences in uniting members around common goals during his term as President of the California Optometric Association.

Attendance is limited to one leader per chapter.  For more information, contact CANP Member Services Manager Erin Meyer via email at