For My Clients, There's No Health Care Like Home Health Care

This excerpt is reproduced with permission from Reflections on Nursing Leadership (RNL), originally published May 22, 2018 by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma). Read the full article.

By Ron Ordona

For me, as with most people, going to work every day requires motivation. But soon after seeing my first homebound patient of the day, I am reminded that, without my help, these seniors would have a tough time receiving the health care they need. If it weren’t for me, they might have to be transported to the emergency department or be hospitalized. In the United States, relatively few physicians and nurse practitioners make house calls. Those who do need to plan carefully and deal with bad weather, road hazards, and other problems.

Collaboration is vital. Sustaining a viable house call practice requires coordination among multiple health care disciplines. In my practice, I work closely with physicians, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), home health nurses, and other members of the health care team, including physical and occupational therapists, pharmacists, and social workers. Collaborating with these providers enables me to offer more comprehensive care.

Nursing Bridges EBP Gaps

Overall, evidence-based practice has become the new standard for health care disciplines, including nursing. More and more nurses are participating in EBP initiatives, whether through research, education, or practice. Indeed, of all the health care professions, nursing is perhaps the only one that has bridged research (through PhD-prepared nurse researchers), education (through EdD-prepared nurse educators), and translation of evidence into practice (through DNP-prepared practitioners).

As nurses become more skilled in analyzing research, gathering evidence, and applying it to practice situations ... read more

Ron Ordona, DNP, FNP-BC, is a member of CANP's Sacramento Chapter.