Please visit CANP's Action Center to contact your legislators and respectfully urge their support of SB 1451. Your engagement will help ensure California’s communities, families, and patients – especially in underserved medical deserts across the state – can access the high-quality, timely care they need.
CANP requested and secured the following provisions in SB 1451 (Ashby) to ensure the effective implementation of AB 890 (Wood, 2020) and improve access to care throughout the state.
CANP has been working diligently to address AB 890 (Wood, 2020) implementation hurdles so that California nurse practitioners can expand access to care as intended by the law. That's why the California Association for Nurse Practitioners and the Close the Provider Gap Coalition are strongly supporting SB 1451, authored by Senator Angelique Ashby. SB 1451 includes language to ensure the full and effective implementation of AB 890 by:
On August 31, SB 1451 passed the State Senate on concurrence with a 38-0 vote and now moves on to Governor Newsom for his signature. The Governor has until September 30 to sign or veto the bill. Please contact the Governor and urge his signature on SB 1451 by visiting CANP's Action Center by clicking on the link above.