House of Delegates

Volunteer Leaders Shaping Policy

CANP's House of Delegates (HOD) convened May 6, 2024 at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center in Sacramento

The HOD is the voice of all CANP members. Composed primarily of selected representatives from each CANP chapter, it is the legislative and policy-making body of the Association. The HOD meeting is open to all members, though only seated delegates are permitted to vote on items up for consideration, including the election of officers.

The HOD has the authority to elect the CANP President, President-Elect, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, and Speaker of the House. The HOD also transacts all business of the Association not otherwise specifically provided for in the CANP bylaws. To serve as a delegate, one must be an active NP Full, First-Year Graduate, or Senior member of CANP. 

HOD convenes on a biannual basis - the next HOD will take place in 2026.